How to Command Your FULL Commission in 2024 & Beyond
Get Step-by-Step Training On Exactly How To Protect Your Income By Getting Your Clients To Happily Pay Your Full Commissions When NAR's New Rule Changes Take Effect - Making You Thousands More Per Closing
I Made This Simple. Get The Shortcut To Full Commission Closings In 2024 & Beyond.
Select Your Package Before The Clock Runs Out.
NAR is changing the rules and I've got you covered. Everything you need to know to successfully command your full commission under the new rules is included...

What to say, how to say it, when to's all covered on both the buyer side and seller side of the transaction.

And I've thrown in some incredible bonuses to help you expand your skills and dominate your competition in this new era of real estate.

Everything you need backed by our no questions asked, 14-day, Money-Back Guarantee!

The only risk you have is missing out!
 Still got questions?
Email our team at and someone on the team will be happy to assist you!
VIP Package
(Total Value: $3,493)
✓ Everything in the Recording & Script Package Plus...

✓ Advanced Commission Negotiation: Get immediate access to 4 powerful videos on How to Never Negotiate Your Commission. (Value: $499)

✓ Listing Presentation Framework: Get immediate access to our powerful Listing Presentation Framework training. (Value: $499)

Two (2) 90-Minute VIP Q&A Calls: Get additional training along with all your questions answered when rule changes are finalized and go into effect. (Value: $999)

✓ SURPRISE BONUS: Get our entire Listing Appointment Sequence showing you what to do before, during and after the listing appointment is over to win the listing nearly every single time. (Value: $499)
Recording & Script Package
(Total Value: $498)
✓ Recording of the Event:
You'll get all 4 hours of the event.
(Value: $249)

 Scripts & Updates:
You'll get an editable copy of every script Travis shared plus lifetime updates so if anything changes, you'll have the latest version.
(Value: $249)

What Is The Commission Summit 2024?
It's multiple hours of step-by-step training, scripting, persuasion psychology, objection handling, and everything else you need to command your full commission in 2024 and beyond in light of the NAR rule changes.
As the leading expert in real estate commission negotiation, I was subpoenaed to testify in the Moerhl class action lawsuit because what I teach to agents about commission negotiation is so powerful.

Up until I held the Commission Summit 2024, that training was reserved only for our private coaching clients who invest thousands of dollars per year with us.

But given the rule changes being rolled out by NAR, I felt it was time to release the training to anyone who wants to easily command their full commissions under the new rules.

You see, I believe that what you do is important and valuable and that you should be paid well for the hard work you do. Keeping this only for our clients no longer felt like the right thing to do when the entire industry is under attack.

So I decided to hold the Commission Summit 2024 where I walked participants step-by-step through exactly what to say, why to say it, how to say it, and how to structure their commission conversations to ensure they are able to command their full value.

The positive feedback was so overwhelming that I was asked to package it so they could rewatch it. So we decided to make it available for purchase along with some incredible upgrade bonuses that will help take your listing conversions to the next level.